Cal/OSHA — the popular name of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health — touches the lives of everyone working in California, more than 19,400,000 people. The agency should be well-known and its activities to protect the health, safety and very lives of working people should be transparent and appreciated. Instead, Cal/OSHA’s existence is hardly known by many of the state’s working people who have little idea of the agency’s range of activities, level of resources and staffing, and its ability to meet its mission and legal mandates to protect California workers.
This website is dedicated to bringing to working people the essential documents on what Cal/OSHA does, what is working, what’s not working, and whether it has the resources and staffing to complete its mission. The documents posted here are public documents from inside the agency, news media reports and journal articles, and first-person accounts from current and former employees of Cal/OSHA.
The website coordinator is Garrett Brown, MPH, CIH, who retired from Cal/OSHA in January 2014 after 20 years with the Division — 17.5 years as a field compliance officer in the Oakland District Office and 2.5 years as Special Assistant to former Chief Ellen Widess in Headquarters. Brown can be reached at: garrettbrown2021@gmail.com