February 2025


April 2024

February 2024

December 2023

2020 Los Angeles Times series

Links to selected articles and reports on occupational health and safety

June 2015

Los Angeles Times, “Cal/OSHA settles farmworker suits over heat-related deaths,” June 11, 2015

Industrial Safety and Hygiene News, “Cal/OSHA continues to reduce the number of compliance officers,” June 23, 2015

September 2014

Labor Notes, “Will California Unions Protest? Safety Enforcement Weakened by ‘Friends of Labor’ Politicians

August 2014

Los Angeles Times, “Safety Lapses at Cal/OSHA” – August 24, 2014 (see the end of “Ride-sharing…” article) 

Bay Area News Group newspapers reprint Fair Warning profile “Still Speaking Out; Cal-OSHA retiree comes back swinging” – August 10, 2014

Industrial Safety & Hygiene News, “Potential national implications of Cal/OSHA’s ‘new direction’” — August 12, 2014

Labor Notes, “Viewpoint: California Job Safety Weakened By ‘Friends of Labor’” — August 8, 2014

July 2014

Los Angeles Daily News reprints Fair Warning profile “Labor activist who chose to work within the system is outside once again” – July 28, 2014

Fair Warning, “Labor Activist Who Chose to Work Within the System is Outsider Once More, and Again Crusading for Job Safety” – July 24, 2014

Industrial Safety & Hygiene News, “Former Cal/OSHA staffer says he witnessed political coup that forced out agency head” – July 17, 2014

May 2014

Industrial Safety and Hygiene News: “Why you should care about Cal/OSHA’s budget and political troubles,” May 9, 2014. political-troubles

The Pump Handle blog: “Is California keeping people safe at work? Labor advocates say no,” May 14, 2014.

Reposted at the Center for Effective Government:

April 2014

Safety & Health magazine (National Safety Council): “‘Starvation Diet’? A report from a former Cal/OSHA employee claims the agency is understaffed – even though funding is available,” April 1, 2014. e+–+April+2014&utm_campaign=inThisIssue&utm_medium=email

Southern California Public Radio: “Former top Cal/OSHA official claims agency funds misspent or unspent,” April 1, 2014.

Industrial Safety and Hygiene News: “Whistleblower claims California is misusing Cal/OSHA funds,” April 2, 2014. calosha-funds

February 2014

Los Angeles Times: “Group to file complaint against Cal/OSHA over staffing levels,”February 10, 2014.,0,4087573,print.story

Sacramento Bee: “Public employee group says California workplace safety department starved for inspectors,” February 10, 2014. california.html

Southern California Public Radio: “2 top former Cal/OSHA officials accuse agency of failing to protect workers,” February 10, 2014.

EHS Today: “Watchdog Group: Cal/OSHA’s staffing has fallen below minimum standard for federal funding,” February 11, 2014.

Safety & Health magazine (National Safety Council): “Low staffing, funding levels at Cal/OSHA politically driven, insider report says,” February 14, 2014. February 2014 website posting: low-staffing-funding-levels-at-calosha-politically-driven-insider-report-says