Budget & Resources
April 2024
- “Governor’s 2024-25 Budget for the Department of Industrial Relations,” California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
- “Financial impacts of chronic understaffing at Cal/OSHA,” Garrett Brown, March 22, 2024
February 2024
- “California 2023-24 State Budget, Cal/OSHA sections,” California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
December 2023
- “Unused Funds in DOSH Budget Held as a Reserve,” Garrett Brown, April 9, 2022
- “DIR – Refinery Fee History,” Garrett Brown, April 2022
January 2015
- Initial Analysis: DIR’s Budget Change Proposal for Cal/OSHA for California State Fiscal Year 2015/16
DIR’s Budget Change Proposal (BCP) for state Fiscal Year 2015/16
Texts of DIR’s two Budget Change Proposals (BCP) incorporated into the state’s Fiscal Year 2014/15 budget:
- Text of DIR Budget Change Proposal BCP 14-02, PSM Unit Expansion
- Text of DIR Budget Change proposal BCP 14-03, Cal/OSHA Unfunded Positions
Growth in administrative fees charged to Cal/OSHA by the Department of Industrial Relations from 2006 through 2013 from the historic 7.3% to 12% in December 2013. Each 1% increase in DIR fees means $1 million less for Cal/OSHA operations and $1 million more for DIR.
Funding resources for Cal/OSHA’s operations as per Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget for state fiscal year 2014/15 (July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015), as per the May 2014 Revise.
Occupational Safety and Health Fund, Fund Condition Statement, from 2010-11 to 2014-15 fiscal years, as of November 2013.
Elevator Safety Account, Fund Condition Statement, from 2010-11 to 2014-15 fiscal years, as of November 2013.
Partial list of reduction in expenses instituted by Cal/OSHA Headquarters in the 2011-2013 period.